It's beyond a shop LOCAL's communities coming together to support the businesses that, in turn, support the community. We are encouraging a movement to create a bigger impact, for the good of our entire region. SPENDING, DISCOVERING, EMPLOYING, and GROWING LOCAL means changing the way we live and work to create a bigger impact with our dollars. Looking Local means...
Shop for quality local products and services...this is your one-stop-shop for buying local—easy and convenient. Spend local by shopping in your community, and beyond. Get all of it, here on Alberta's online marketplace.
Employ local
The regional Job Connector is matching local businesses with prospective employers to fill jobs and build our regional workforce. Employers, job seekers and students can use these free tools and resources below to find jobs, training, financial help and other supports.
Growing local
Starting a business can be hard but it is so much easier when you are empowered with the connections and resources to help you not just succeed but thrive. Startup Leduc Wetaskiwin Regions is here to provide our local community with the foundational support they need, with coaching, events, resources, and an entrepreneurship training program.
Discover Leduc Region is the collective voice of tourism dedicated to regional promotion around Leduc, AB. The Leduc, Nisku & Wetaskiwin Regional Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the City of Leduc, Leduc County, City of Beaumont, Town of Devon, Town of Calmar, and the Town of Millet, is committed to connecting visitors and locals alike as they DISCOVER the Leduc Region.